Category Archives: motivation

Just keep moving

As I’m starting to type the title of this blog, I could hear Dory singing “just keep swimming, just keep swimming.. ”

And so here I am again, after a long hiatus from blogging, decided to pen my thoughts on paper.

Lots have been happening since then…the kids have grown and moved to a higher level in their respective schools. I have had an awesome 2 year journey in a two-wheeler automotive industry. Connected and made new friendships. Then reconnecting with old ties. One word – Amazing!

It was only up to recent weeks, as I transitioned into my new role in a new organisation, the mode of deep reflection started flushing out of my system. Maybe it was the new environment, or the coming into a new year, or just the age thing…but it surely made me sit up again and asked myself “what is it?”. The familiarity of the unfamiliar emotions that brings back the uncertainties surrounding yourself.

With all these emotions checking in one at a time, I felt lost again some moments and at times had a glimpse of my highs. The coach in me stirred the positive self talk to constantly battle some of those negativities. Until I chanced upon this quote:


Couldn’t agree more! And with that, I took a deep breath and visualised myself as that turtle…just keep on moving…slowly but surely, its the small steps that matter! 🙂

How far are you with your steps?



It’s been awhile since the last post…

A lot of things have been going on for the last couple of months – the ups and downs of life basically, just like a ‘Yoyo’.  life is like a yoyo One learning outcome from this is definitely about managing one’s expectations.

managing expectations EXPECTATIONS…. what is this word all about? One of the definite definitions cited in the dictionary is – ‘a strong belief that something will happen or be the case’. I believe this word has been used or uttered repeatedly to many individuals, be it a parent, a working professional or students alike. Often, we use this word in tandem with the word MANAGE or MANAGING.

So what is it about us having to manage expectations? Why do we need to do that if we already know that expectation is about having that strong belief that something will happen? Most importantly, HOW do we do that, i.e. manage expectations? Seems like as the saying goes, “it’s easier said than done”…

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Since the previous post was about The 3Ps For Success, I thought I’d share with you on a topic that I wrote about in my personal blog about a year ago about the quest to find passion

On 8th May, the company that I’m working at, celebrated the 13th annual Community Day around the world to bring the company values to life and giving back to the communities. Here in Singapore, we went out to a local non-profit organisation which runs a family service centre.  The employees-turned-volunteers for the day were split into different teams doing multiple activities such as painting and re-furbishing key areas, assembling food packages and to have fun & interactive activities with the kids.  I chose to be involved with the kids’ activities because for obvious reasons – it’s something that is close to my heart as I’m a parent myself.

The morning started of well when we guided and supervised some 7 to 8 year olds with the paintings that they were tasked to do.  This was the same in the later part of the day, for the second group of kids who were much older ranging from 9 to 12 year olds.  As expected with any activities involving kids, there were excitement, cuteness and chaos all rolled up into one.  I guess I can say this because I’ve got 3 kids of my own within this age group and many, many years ago I had like close to 40 kids multiplied by 2 or 3…. Yes I was once upon a time a teacher!!!

As the day went by, I made an interesting observation amongst the volunteers which had a mixed of both genders (majority female) and also a combination of parents and those who are young and of single-status or married with no children yet. I noticed that for those who are parents, the reaction to the scene described above (in bold), was calm and collected (in general).  Interestingly, the latter group was looking at the kids with the “Awwwwww…they’re so cute!” in the beginning to “Oh no! They’re like little monsters…we need to get out….pronto!!”… only halfway through the day.  Whilst smiling at these small observations, I had a moment of insight to write on ‘finding passion’.


As I said earlier, I was once a teacher for the primary school level.  I remembered that being a teacher was not really a choice I made voluntarily.  Let’s just say, I was just ‘pushed’ into it as my other options back then were limited.  After 2 years of training, I embarked on the journey to make teaching as my career.  It was actually not that bad really…I guess the foundation during the training years equipped me with the ability to cope at a basic level to do my job well.

Over the years, I found my liking  in being with the kids growing bit by bit, at least when I’m with them fully during classroom time.  Of course, there were those ‘hair-pulling’ moments that led to the occassional migraines and the lost of voice which was really the No.1 occupational hazzard (at least in my case)!  But alas after 3 years in the service, I realised that my passion for teaching as a career was not strong enough to sustain my desire to continue the profession.

As much as I loved being in the classroom – imparting new knowledge and skills to the children, the frustration of all other non-teaching related matters began to take a toll on me.  Slowly, I dreaded the thought of progressing and seeing myself as a retired teacher was not in my line of vision for career success.  So I made the decision to leave after much consideration.  Although I was relieved that I made that decision, I recalled that I was actually quite affected with it especially after looking and reading at the many cards and letters that I received over the years from my students.

I realised then that kids are kids….when they speak or write….it is with utmost sincerity and this was reflected in their work of art (be it simple or complicated, big or small) when they give teachers their note of appreciation.

After I left the teaching profession, I tried on different jobs in the private sector, namely sales and marketing.  I thought as I began my new journey to explore the career path, I was also hoping to regain the passion or at least find new ones.  Verdict – I couldn’t find it unfortunately!


Then a few months later, an opportunity came knocking at my door!  The company was looking for a trainer to train their beauty consultants and at the same time would like the trainer to go to schools to conduct grooming talks for students!  Well…I know that I’ve always love anything related to beauty and fashion since I was in my teens,  and of course I had the experience as a teacher….so I guess they found the right fit in me and offered me the role! 🙂  Hence began my career in training and as the saying goes…“the rest is history!” 

I rediscovered my passion in teaching in the form of training.  I believe it’s not so much of the profession but the nature of the work that defines my passion.  I know that I simply love interacting with people and the art of communication is something that I take seriously.  Besides that, I love to share….new knowledge, new skills, new ideas…. My husband, who knows me well enough from my teaching days till now, would affirm this passion of mine.  He even said that once I’m in my element, I will not stop ‘blabbing’! hahaha…. Yes, I can go on and on….forever! (Gosh….I even talk in my sleep!!)


So now my career span in the training/learning & development capacity has been almost 20 years (yes…so now you know how young I am!).  Do I still have the passion for it?  Definitely yes!  Am I still looking for new passion?  Well in fact, yes!  I know that some people (and many of whom are my friends) have discovered their passion (other than those professionally related) in art, jewelry making, baking, etc.

I’m constantly on the lookout to discover new passion… far, there’s been quite a few that passes through like passing clouds, but nothing that’s concrete that’d require me to act on it.  Perhaps one day, it’ll come whichever direction it’s from… and if it does, I’d like to share that with you for sure!

What’s YOUR passion?

Have you discovered something new lately?

I’d be happy to hear your finding passion moment………

Have a ‘passion-ful’ day! 🙂

The 3Ps for Success

Many years ago when I was conducting some training sessions for a group of beauty consultants, I kept on reminding them about the need to have 3Ps if they want to succeed in making big sales for the brand and more importantly earning more money for themselves (Big sales = big commissions!)

The 3Ps basically revolve around just one word – PASSION!

Passion by Shannonstahl-flickr

1st P – Passion for yourself!

This is the most fundamental attribute that anyone must have.  You need to have this; otherwise everything else becomes a wasted effort.  However, I admit this is not something that comes naturally for many people, especially those that consider themselves as pessimists.

So how do you develop or instill passion in yourself?  I guess this is easier said than done but no doubt, once attempted, it’s achievable.

Here’s a quick guide that might be useful…


Not an easy task especially if you are experiencing some of those ‘down’ moments.  But what’s been helpful for many and from my personal experience is VISUALISATION.  I’ve been using the vision board as a tool to train/coach people on one aspect of visualisation. Most recently, I had a hand in it myself as I was going through the process of re-evaluating my goals.  The purpose is to visualise what makes you happy and motivated.  In this process, you basically pick up things that inspire you and will put a smile on your face whether it’s an event, an idea, or a perception.   The conclusion – this is a powerful exercise for everyone and it helps to bring up your level of motivation to the next notch.

‘Let It Go!’

I can’t help to sing to the tune of the soundtrack song of the movie ‘Frozen’ by Demi Lovato as I’m typing this!!

Well, the guide here essentially takes you through the realisation to simply HAVE FUN!   It’s really about doing or making something and enjoying it.  For instance, if one of the things that you discover during your visualisation exercise is that nature inspires you, then go make that inspiration come true by doing as many things as you like wrapped around the theme of nature – take photographs, going organic with your food or clothing choices, etc.  Enjoy those moments of indulgence, as they are the ones that will give you the ‘perk-me-ups’.

2nd P – Passion for people!

Well, I would always say that if you are in the business where you have to deal and interact with people, you must be able to have this embedded in you!!

So how does this work?

Bearing in mind that the 1st P is the foundation of the 3Ps as it brings out the self awareness in you; the next level to go to is to extend it out to the people around you…be it your family members, friends, colleagues and of course your customers!

Some of the essentials to take note of:


You have got to have this in any type of human interaction!  If you can put yourself in the shoes of those you are interacting with, the experience becomes more engaging and positive.  As parents or educators, we’ve often been told to put ourselves in our child’s shoes so that we can communicate and understand his/her perspective better.  Likewise, you would do the same with customers.  So when you are facing with that difficult or upset customer – stop, reflect and ask yourself “How would I feel if it was me?”


This is a must-have!  No doubt if you have passion in yourself, the enthusiasm in you would inevitably exude when you are communicating with others.  Enthusiasm can be detected easily – through your tone and pitch of your voice and your body language like the sparkle in your eyes.  So, the next time you are having that important conversation with someone, take a step back for a moment and notice your level of enthusiasm.  As long as you do not sound like a robot…you should be fine!

Enthusiasm by Dawildcherry-flickr


This skill is an art really.  As the saying goes, “it’s not what you say, it’s about what you hear”.  The most important thing here is to be able to engage in ACTIVE LISTENING.   This requires you to give feedback or paraphrase what the other party has said to you to show that you have understood his/her message. Simply put, you display your passion towards your interaction with that person through active listening which would typically result in an engaging conversation.  If you want to develop that passion for people, you definitely want to be engaging!

3rd P – Passion for products/services

Whichever line of business you are in, as long as it’s about promoting products and/or services, you have got to find ways to have the passion in you to want to ‘sell’ or ‘make’ them.  Imagine if that passion were lacking here, you would very likely be sounding robotic and behaving in a very mechanical way.

In my 10 years or so of training beauty consultants to sell beauty products, this was something that I strongly advocate and to a certain extent insisted that they have, i.e. the ‘love’ for the products.  I played it safe by not assuming that all girls like beauty knick-knacks.  Some might prefer clothing, or shoes, or even have a very strong liking towards cars!  Hence, if their passion were tilted more towards any of those other than beauty, then my personal opinion would be that they would be better off selling those products.

How do you know that you have this?


When you have a strong passion about something, it is only natural that you would be able to articulate about it with much enthusiasm.  Take for example a football fan.  You would know that the person is a fanatic when he’s able to tell you which team is at which level of the table, or which player was bought in or bought out.  Similarly, if you are able to demonstrate that passion for the products or services you are promoting, your customers are able to detect that enthusiasm.  Often, you can detect this passion through the sparkle in the eyes.


When you have that enthusiasm in you talking about the products/services, chances are you will be able to convince your customers about those products/services.  And the more convinced they are, the higher your chances of closing the sale too.

Personal Experience

Oh, of course if you could relate your own personal experience with the products/services, it makes the whole process of having that ‘sales pitch’ much easier.  It is very important that you display sincerity when you are sharing though.  And here’s a gentle reminder – if you are just relating something that is not quite true, i.e. you don’t actually use the products/services, this will falter through as you go deeper into the conversation, especially if the other party starts probing with more challenging questions.  So that’s why it’s a bonus if from the onset, you are already passionate about that product/service you are selling.

As I’m slowly building this new venture of mine, I’m also now at the stage of reviewing and checking in on my 3Ps.  I’m happy to share that to date, I am still able to put a check in all 3 boxes and am working to bring the level of each P to a higher one on that scale of 1 to 10.

Have you got your 3Ps that you need for success?  What does it take for you to ensure that you have these attributes in you?  

Feel free to share you thoughts and experiences…

[image: shannonstahl/flickr; dawildcherry/flickr]